The Nature Trail is Open!

March 10, 2019

The Squamish Trails Society is continuing to work on surfacing sections of this trail, which are prone to becoming muddy, slippery and soft in wet weather. Ultimately, these trail improvements will make the trail more robust, sustainable and accessible in all weather.

The Squamish Trails Society (STS) gratefully acknowledges financial support provided by the Whistler Blackcomb Enviro Fund and the Squamish Foundation for providing grants to help fund these trail improvements. The Squamish Trails Society has matched these awarded grants to pay for the work completed thus far. Furthermore, we appreciate the work done by Rotary to establish this trail over 15 years ago and support received from the District of Squamish Operations Staff and Landluggers Contracting.

The Squamish Trails Society is a registered charitable non-profit which relies on membership fees and grants to fund its trail work. We appreciate your cooperation and support.

Together on Trails,

Squamish Trails Society


New Hope in Old: Play, Clean, Go


2018 Project List With Accomplishments